Making the Most with St. Mary’s Apts

Here at 64Solar, we’ve helped our fair share of warehouses, factories, and other industrial buildings modernize and find energy efficiency over the years. But we get even more satisfaction when we can provide consultation, upgrades, and savings to places that directly impact people’s lives. We recently completed a robust solar installation for St. Mary’s Apartments in East Hartford, CT. 

St. Mary’s has been providing seniors with safe, accessible, and affordable dwellings for quite a while and it was time to introduce some modern energy efficiency to go along with their modern way of life. Our energy consultants helped them understand how to properly classify their establishment to take advantage of all the solar benefits available. 

With energy bills of over $60,000 a year, we installed a 112 kW system designed to bring that annual total down to a small fraction of the original amount. Not to mention, that after 12 years in the solar industry, we know our markets. We also know when to recommend a rate class change that will drive better solar economics. 

Because St. Mary’s is an assisted-living facility with a kitchen, we knew it would be advisable to switch rate classes and that switch enabled them to save another $10,000 or more per year to the annual savings. Of the installation, Richard Freedman, President at Garden Homes Management said:

“Craig and the team at 64Solar are experts. They detailed the economics of my project and said the permitting and construction would be turnkey. It was. Our system pays itself off in three years, it was an easy decision.”


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